Unified Nevada Information Technology for Youth

The Needs Assessment Project Update


Status Update: February 6, 2025

The Unified Nevada Information Technology for Youth (UNITY) system is considered a transitional Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) system from a SACWIS system through a modernization project that was approved by the State in 2019. DCFS has been using the UNITY application for more than 20 years providing direct services to children and families as well as oversight for programs administered at the county and local level. UNITY holds the official case record for all children and families served by child welfare agencies in the State of Nevada.

The Division of Child and Family Services intends to replace the existing mainframe application with a Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) as described in 45 CFR §§1355.50 through 1355.57.

NV Child Welfare Needs Assessment was released for bidding in the month of November 2023. The RFP evaluation team selected the vendor KPMG LLP. On December 20, 2023, State of Nevada, Department of Administration Purchasing Division issued the Letter of Intent to KPMG LLP to execute the NV Child Welfare Needs Assessment Project. The signed contract with the vendor KPMG LLP was approved by State of Nevada Board of Examiners (NV BOE) on April 9, 2024.

The vendor KPMG LLP and DCFS Information Services launched the project kick off in 3 (Three) sessions which are as follows:

  1. Visioning and Guiding Principles Workshop with the Executive Team– 05/10/2024 and 06/07/2024.
  2. Workshop’s All-Participants Kick Off Meeting – 05/23/2024.



    At the onset of the project, DCFS project’s leadership met with KPMG LLP to validate the project timelines and detail the lower-level milestones. DCFS project’s leadership and vendor KPMG LLP collaboratively conducted the requirement gather sessions (functional and non-functional topics) by including the project stakeholders from across the state (Clark county, Washoe county and Rurals (15 counties)). To ensure a systematic alignment amongst jurisdictions, all functional and non-functional workshops have consistent representation from all counties as well as the Information Technology / Information Security group.

    Functional meetings: Once the functional areas have been defined, KPMG worked with the DCFS project leadership to agree on a sequence and timeline for the workshops associated with each of the topics. KPMG prepared materials in advance of the workshops leveraging KPMG KERA reference repositories. These materials were shared with DCFS at least 14 days in advance of the date of the functional meetings via email or a shared DCFS Team folder location.

    The workshops for the functional areas usually span over three days with a standard agenda as: Introduction, Context Models (Current State), Processes (Future State), Requirements (Procurements Requirements) and Offline Reviews (Offline Refinements).

    At the end of each of the workshops, participants were given information on specific next steps that included the timeline for receiving updated materials based on the workshop conversations as well as the process and timeline for conducting an “Offline review” of these updated materials. The offline reviews were seen as an opportunity for workshop participants to review updates made during or post workshop, further discuss any topics with teammates or other relevant stakeholders and an opportunity to bring up to KPMG any asks for additional updates or edits to the models and materials.

    Non-Functional meetings: The non-functional meetings benefited from a structured approach that span from pre to post-workshop activities. Once the non-functional areas have been defined, KPMG worked with the DCFS’ project leadership to agree on a sequence and timeline for the workshops associated with each of the topics. KPMG prepared materials in advance of the workshops leveraging KPMG KERA reference repositories. These materials were shared with DCFS at least 14 days in advance of the date of the non-functional meetings via email or a shared DCFS Team folder location. Similarly, at the end of each workshop, participants were given information on specific next steps that included the timeline for receiving updated materials based on the workshop conversations as well as the process and timeline for conducting an “Offline review” of these updated materials.

    As of January 15, 2025, the UNITY Needs Assessment Project Workshops successfully completed are listed below:

    1. Intake – 05/29/2024, 05/30/2024, 06/04/2024, 06/05/2024 and 06/06/2024
    2. Assessment – 06/11/2024 to 06/13/2024
    3. Case Management - Part 1 (06/17/2024, 06/18/2024,06/20/2024) and Part 2 (06/25/2024 to 06/27/2024)
    4. Case Review & Med Case Management/Treatment – 07/09/2024 to 07/11/2024
    5. Foster Care Services for App Licensing/Licensing Caseload and Resource Availability - 07/16/2024 to 07/18/2024
    6. Placement Stability & Permanency – 07/23/2024 to 07/25/2024
    7. Adoption and Independent Living – 07/30/2024 to 08/01/2024
    8. Court Processing – 08/06/2024 to 08/08/2024
    9. Eligibility – 08/13/2024 to 08/15/2024
    10. Financial/Provider Management/Payment Processing – 08/20/2024 to 08/22/2024
    11. Juvenile Justice (Part 1) – 08/27/2024 to 08/29/2024
    12. Child, Guardians, Parents, Resources & Collateral Profile Management workshop - 09/03/2024 to 09/04/2024
    13. Worker Workflows – 09/10/2024
    14. Security – 09/05/2024
    15. Data Management and Data Quality – 09/12/2024
    16. Forms – 09/17/2024
    17. Interfaces – 09/18/2024
    18. Report and Analytics – 09/19/2024
    19. Juvenile Justice (Part 2) – 12/03/2024 to 12/05/2024

    These workshops focused on: Examining the current state of the application, envisioning and documenting the future state of the modernized application. Through these workshops, we aimed to facilitate discussions, gather insights, and document key findings of the application modernization process.

    The vendor KPMG LLP provided DCFS the following deliverables (Deliverable Expectations Documents (DED)) related to the Child Welfare Information System (excluding Juvenile Justice System) which are being reviewed by the DCFS UNITY Stakeholders. Please see the attached documents for your immediate reference.

    1. Attendance at all Scheduled Meetings
    2. Requirements
    3. Process Flow
    4. Matrix
    5. Cost Benefit Analysis
    6. Alternatives Analysis
    7. Recommendations
    8. Gap Analysis
    9. Technical Design Roadmap
    10. Knowledge Transfer Plan
    11. Post Implementation Evaluation

    As of February 6, 2025, DCFS Information Services is collaborating with a preferred vendor from the State of Nevada to develop a Request for Proposal (RFP). This initiative aims to identify top-tier vendors capable of assisting the Division in implementing a modernized statewide child welfare system.

    Concurrently, DCFS Information Services is advancing efforts to gather comprehensive requirements for the Juvenile Justice System, ensuring alignment with the state’s objectives to enhance child welfare and justice services. These steps are critical for creating efficient, high-quality solutions tailored to the needs of Nevada’s children and families.


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