Juvenile Justice Services

Juvenile Services within the Division of Child and Family Services

Youth are committed to the Division of Child and Family Services by the juvenile court for services.

    DCFS operates three state facilities:

    Juvenile Justice Services Family Handbook

    The Division of Child and Family Services is dedicated to family engagement as a critical component to the success of our youth. The handbook below was created to help ensure families have the information they need at every step.

    Youth Parole Bureau

    Upon successful completion of the programming within the center, youth are released back into the community with supervision and case management services provided by Youth Parole.
    Youth committed for mental health treatment are placed directly on parole and receive treatment and case management services based on their identified needs.

      Juvenile Justice Bill of Rights


        JJ BOR 2

          Juvenile Justice (JJ) Facility Population

            Juvenile Justice (JJ) Facility Population
            JJ Facility   Count as of 
            Count as of 
            Caliente Youth Center - Females 17 17
            Caliente Youth Center - Males 40 40
            Nevada Youth Training Center - Females 0 0
            Nevada Youth Training Center - Males 37 37
            Summit View Youth Center - Males 44 40
            Total JJ Facility Population  138  134

              *This count reflects a point in time snapshot of the number of youth in this facility on this day. This count does not reflect current bed availability.
              Source: Enterprise Supervision