Data Book

Provides key data measures that reflect the operations of the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) within the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services.


    Request for Data

    Requests to the Department of Health and Human Services can be made verbally or in writing. Nevada regulations provide for this form as an option when submitting requests to inspect, copy or receive a copy of public records.
    Please note, written requests allow staff to more effectively track and monitor a request. Written requests may be sent by US Mail or emailed to the designated public records officer for the agency from which you are requesting records.

    DCFS Child Census Counts

      Child Welfare (CW) Foster Care Population

        Child Welfare (CW) Foster Care Population
        Rural Region  Count as of
        Count as of 
        Children in Out of Home Placements^*    296  293

          ^This count indicates youth in out of home placements who are under the jurisdiction of DCFS Rural Region Child Welfare Services. This is a subset of the statewide foster care population which would also include counts from Washoe and Clark counties.
          *This count includes both paid and unpaid placements.
          Source: UNITY Database – RTP704 Report

          • Child Welfare Court Improvement Data

            Children's Mental Health (CMH) Facility Population

              Children's Mental Health (CMH) Facility Population
              CMH Facility   Count as of
              Count as of
              Desert Willow Treatment Center - Acute Services  5 3
              Desert Willow Treatment Center - Residential Services  28 30
              PRTF - Enterprise** Temporarily Closed - -
              PRTF - North**  8 8
              Total CMH Facility Population  41  41

                *This count reflects a point in time snapshot of the number of youth in this facility on this day. This count does not reflect current bed availability.

                **Please note that some Facility Names have changed 

                - This reflects that census was not provided

                  Old Facility Name Current Facility Name
                  Adolescent Treatment Center PRTF - North
                  Family Learning Homes PRTF - Enterprise

                    PRTF = Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
                    Source: Residential Youth Census

                      Juvenile Justice (JJ) Facility Population

                        Juvenile Justice (JJ) Facility Population
                        JJ Facility   Count as of 
                        Count as of 
                        Caliente Youth Center - Females 17 17
                        Caliente Youth Center - Males 40 40
                        Nevada Youth Training Center - Females 0 0
                        Nevada Youth Training Center - Males 37 37
                        Summit View Youth Center - Males 44 40
                        Total JJ Facility Population  138  134

                          *This count reflects a point in time snapshot of the number of youth in this facility on this day. This count does not reflect current bed availability.
                          Source: Enterprise Supervision

                            DCFS PROGRAM AREAS

                              Child Welfare

                              Juvenile Justice

                              Systems Advocate Unit

                                Serves a vital public purpose by responding to requests for information, provider concerns and
                                complaints regarding Child Welfare, Child Mental Health and Juvenile Justice. Services
                                provided by the Systems Advocate Unit include:
                                - Public Information Officer
                                - Public Records Request
                                - Constituent Concerns and Complaints
                                Phone: 775-684-4413

                                  Other Report Links