Systems Advocate

The Nevada State Legislature established the Systems Advocate Unit in 2003. The System Advocate assists constituents in regard to their complaints and concerns regarding the programs that the Division oversees. These complaints and concerns may come directly to the Systems Advocate Unit, the DHHS Director’s Office or from the Governor’s Office.
The Systems Advocate also serves as the Division’s Public Information Officer, Public Record Request Officer, Legislative Liaison and Division Hearing Officer.

File a Complaint

To file a complaint please call using the numbers listed below.
IN LAS VEGAS AND SURROUNDING AREA: Clark County Department of Family Services call 866-780-9541 or view the Ombudsman’s website
IN RENO AND SURROUNDING AREA: Washoe County Human Services Agency call 775-337-4500 or email
FOR ALL OTHER RURAL COUNTIES: call 775-684-4453 or click here to be re-directed to our contact form.

Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

Please do not make reports of suspected child abuse or neglect to the Systems Advocate Unit, to make a confidential report call:

  • Clark County (Las Vegas and surrounding area) call 702-399-0081 or visit their website for more information
  • Washoe County (Reno and surrounding area) call 833-900-SAFE or visit their website for more information
  • For all the other counties, contact local law enforcement after hours, weekends, and holidays.
  • If it is an emergency call 911 to report to your local law enforcement agency

DCFS Program Locations and Phone Numbers

Public Record Request

Click here for more information on how to make a public record request.

Click here to request child abuse/neglect history – Central Registry checks.

Adoption Records: Adoption Records in the State of Nevada are sealed and confidential records (NRS 127.140) and can only be accessed by a court order. A person would need to show “just cause” in petitioning to unseal their adoption records. When an adoptee reaches 18 years of age they can request any non-identifying information available at the time of their adoption from their adoption files. Please email your request to

Contact Systems Advocate

Phone: (833) 562-0044
Fax (775) 684-4455