Juvenile Justice Systems Grant Programs

Formula Grant

The Formula Grant Program supports state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. Through this program, The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides funds directly to states, territories, and the District of Columbia to help them implement comprehensive state juvenile justice plans based on detailed studies of needs in their jurisdictions. The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the JJDP Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. 5601 et seq. ).

Funding is available to states and territories. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through sub grants to units of local government, local private agencies, and Indian tribes for programs in accordance with legislative requirements. Only state agencies, designated by the Governor, are eligible to apply. State Advisory Groups, comprised of members appointed by the governor, set priorities for funded activities.  The Juvenile Justice Commission serves as Nevada's State Advisory Group. 

    Community Partnership Block Grant

    Awarded to Judicial Districts on a formula basis. Judicial Districts may sub grant to other community entities. The requirements to receive the funding are:

    • Collaboration of community based resources in the development and implementation of the program. Money is provided by the State and does not include federal funds or federal pass through funds. 
    • Compliance with NRS 62.020; Juvenile Justice Data Collection
    • Provide programs that will reduce commitments to state institutions
    • Cannot use funds to supplant ordinarily available resources
    • Counties will establish policies and procedures that include accountability based system of graduated sanctions and a sanction for every adjudication of delinquency
    • Provide performance measure data